Years as a lighting designer made me realize I’m more of a shadow designer, forever adjusting where the light isn’t to highlight where it is. Welcome to the shadow factory.
I’ve spent over thirty years lighting theatre, television, dance, buildings, and events — and taking photos of all of them to record the etherial presence of light. In the process, I’ve gained a lot of knowledge about how light works, and I’ve discovered that the true magic of lighting involves leaving areas dark as contrast.
I’ve designed the light modifiers below with night photography in mind: reducing spread, lowering intensities, and preventing glare from the fixtures, creating helpful shadows to help you create your own drama. Everything is designed and 3D printed by me directly and I am always looking to help you make any modifications, adjustments or fully customized options to help you make the tools you find useful. Please feel free to contact me and we can develop something together.
In my store, you can also find recent books I created using light painting techniques to capture buildings on Monhegan, Maine under starlight.
Check out some reviews:
- My friends at National Parks at Night have a whole blog post about using the Lanceli on a workshop
- Mark Bohrer went out to Rhyolite with his Lancelis, which is an amazing location if you’re even near Death Valley